Story Posted: 2010-12-29

St. Paul's President & CEO Christmas Message

The Spirit of Giving

For my family Christmas has always been a special time when the family comes together and updates one another on the year gone by and reminisces about times past, both good and bad. It is a time when we make sure we have reached out to one another and made time for each other. It has also been a time when we think about all that we have, family, friends, a warm safe place to sleep and ample food, and reflect on the fact that not everyone is so blessed. With our children we take the time to consider what we can do to give some of what we have, whether that is time or donations, to help someone else.

Within St. Paul’s many people will work over the holiday season. You will share stories and laugh with patients, visitors and co-workers. I know that each of you give of yourself each day when you come to work; I also know that you give even more to lift the spirits of patients who cannot be with their families over the holiday season. You will be sharing your spirit to comfort others when they are in need.

People who work in health care are caring people who want to help others. Over the past year you have done a great deal that demonstrates your desire to do the best job you can for our patients and their families. Extensive work has gone into improving the care, service and environment at St. Paul’s. The optimization project in the Emergency Department, Releasing Time to Care on nursing units, reduction of the turn around times in Health Record coding and reporting, application of LEAN methodology in a number of departments, work to improve the management of chronic diseases and primary care, action to reduce the surgical wait times, updating and refreshing of the physical environment, and establishment of more waiting room area on 2nd floor are just a few examples of the good work that is being done.

The spirit of giving is core to the work that you do. You show that spirit all year long and you push a little bit harder to make sure everyone’s day is a little bit brighter during the holiday season. Please accept my sincere appreciation and thanks for the care you provide to our relatives, friends and neighbours each and everyday of the year. Best wishes you and your family for a very happy, healthy and safe holiday season and all the best in 2011.

Jean Morrison


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