St. Paul's Hospital
School of Nursing Alumni Association

From the first five graduates on September 21, 1911 to the time when the School of Nursing closed its doors in 1969 there have been 2,057 graduates who can proudly claim St. Paul's Hospital School of Nursing Alumni Association membership. The St. Paul's Hospital (SPH) School of Nursing Alumni Association was formally organized by Mrs. Constance Wait (Maddens ’20) in 1925. All graduates are eligible for membership.

Aims of the SPH School of Nursing Alumni Association

  • To promote social interest and fellowship amongst members

  • To uphold the memory and spirit of St. Paul’s Hospital School of Nursing

  • To assist St Paul’s Hospital and Foundation with projects and events as is appropriate.

  • To promote nursing and related health education through our annual scholarship program

Meetings and Communication

The Saskatoon headquarters of the Alumni Association manages the affairs of the Association and holds( Change to ) two meetings a year -an Annual General Meeting/luncheon usually held the second Monday in May and a Christmas Luncheon normally held on the 2nd Monday in December.

Chapters & Newsletter

There are Chapters in Calgary, Edmonton, Lloydminster, North and South Okanogan, Ottawa, Regina and Victoria also meet regularly and some have hosted reunions. An Annual Newsletter fosters communication and fellowship among Alumni, and contains up to date information on all meetings and events.

Honour Guard

Saskatoon Alumni offer an Honor Guard at funerals of their members residing in the city and physicians or non-alumni nurses who have devoted years of service to St. Paul’s Hospital. Choirs have been formed to participate in various special hospital and Alumni events.

Nursing Alumni Archives

Alumni have worked hard to maintain archival records of the history and legacy of the School of Nursing, as can be evidenced through the wonderful School of Nursing display cases at St. Paul’s Hospital (Second Floor, A Wing). Alumni have provided photos for many of St. Paul’s Hospital publications and murals. If you would like to use or are interested in knowing more about the School of Nursing Archives, please Contact Us.

Nursing Alumni Executive List 2023-2024

President: Monica Beavis 
Vice President: Diane Hergott 
Secretary: Sharon McCallion 
Treasurer: Diane Neufeld 
Past President: Sharon McCallion


Program/Social: Mary Humen; Louise MacLeod
Newsletter: Lynne Swenson; Lily Krause
Cards and Flowers: Cecilia Gursky
Visiting: Rose Normand; Margot Bussiere; Trudy Payton
Welcoming/Membership: Diane Neufeld; Elaine Uhryniw; Reta Taylor
Phoning: Carol Smandych
Archives: Diane Jensen; Marlene Davis
Honour Guard: Elaine Uhryniw

Alumni Association and St. Paul’s Hospital Foundation

In 1991, the School of Nursing Alumni helped to create a significant endowment fund at St. Paul’s Hospital Foundation – the Saint Marguerite d’Youville Endowment Fund. That fund continues to be stewarded by St. Paul’s Hospital Foundation, and contributions to this endowment provide professional development and scholarship support for St. Paul’s Hospital and Saskatoon Health Region employees.

Alumni have participated in various projects with St. Paul's Hospital and the School of Nursing when it existed. The Nurses Alumni founded and once staffed the St. Paul's Hospital Gift Shop with volunteers, which is now operated by SPH Foundation. Some Alumni and Alumni families still serve as volunteers at the hospital, at the Foundation and in the Gift Shop. Proceeds from the Gift Shop support professional development for St. Paul's Hospital employees.