Story Posted: 2024-07-16

Hospital Highlights 2023-24: A Year in Review

From the St. Paul’s Hospital & SPH Foundation 2023-24 Annual Review.

  • 67,430 dialysis treatments delivered by SPH Kidney Health and satellite units.

  • 1100 Admissions onto 5th Medicine, one of 3 SPH Medical Wards

  • 310 da Vinci Surgical Robot Cases

  • 4401 Inpatient Surgical Cases

  • 47 kidney transplants supported by the SPH Lab

  • Average of 90 Building Service Maintenance Requisitions and 90 Energy Center Requisitions completed each week

  • 40,876 Emergency Room Visits

  • 16,492 Environmental Services (Housekeeping) Bed Turnovers

  • 10,427 Inpatient Admissions

  • 4281 Day Surgery Surgical Cases


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