Story Posted: 2024-07-04

Message from Emmanuel Health Leadership

From the St. Paul’s Hospital & SPH Foundation 2023-24 Annual Review.

As I reflect on the past year at Emmanuel Health and conclude my first year as CEO, my heart swells with gratitude for the unwavering commitment demonstrated by our remarkable team of staff, physicians, and community partners.
Together we have embarked on a transformative journey, bound by our shared vision of delivering exceptional health care deeply rooted in compassion and innovation.
Throughout the challenges of the past year, our team has exhibited extraordinary resilience and adaptability. As we navigate the complexities of our ever-evolving healthcare landscape, our collective efforts have enabled us to uphold our commitment to providing the highest standard of care and consideration to those we serve.                                
Our staff and physicians embody the essence of our organization, displaying professionalism, empathy and expertise in every interaction. Their tireless dedication to our patients and communities has been nothing short of inspiring, serving as the cornerstone of our organizational success.
Equally vital to our journey are the invaluable relationships we have forged with our esteemed community partners. Together, we have worked tirelessly to address the diverse needs of our communities, whether through groundbreaking new programs, community outreach initiatives or strategic partnerships. Through our combined efforts, we have been able to make a tangible and lasting difference. For instance, our partnership with St. Paul’s Hospital Foundation
 has always been a vital linkage with our community, facilitating innovative, holistic and compassionate care for the patients and families we serve.
As we look ahead to the future, I am filled with confidence and optimism. We remain steadfast in our commitment to shape tomorrow together, recognizing that the challenges lying ahead will require steady collaboration and a shared dedication to excellence. By harnessing the collective expertise and passion of our team and partners, I am confident that we will overcome any obstacles and continue to make a profound and positive impact on the health and well-being of our communities.
In closing, I extend my deepest gratitude to our exceptional staff, physicians, volunteers and community partners. Your dedication, empathy and unwavering support serve as the driving force behind our collective success, and I am profoundly proud to be part of such an extraordinary team.
Corey Miller                    
President & Chief Executive Officer, Emmanuel Health 


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